Monday, October 5, 2020

Mega Grocery Sale, UP To 60% Discount on Grocery. 

CLASSIC Aluminium Round Cake Pan/Mould Bakeware Tool - 4", 5", 6"

Monday, July 20, 2020

How stress cause weight gain.

If you are having problems in your life. At home or at work, you are stressed. It is going to show more than one ways. After some time you will be noticed that a bulge in your mid section that wasn't there before. Where are these coming from?

Stress could be the reason. It plays a big role in weight gain. It can make you less appetite first. But, chronic stress actually boost your hunger.

Stress harmone cortisol

From researchers it is known that increased level of stress harmone called cortisol can lead to weight gain. Every time you stressed your adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol. This can lead you to over eating into habit. Because increased level of harmone can also cause higher insulin levels. Your blood sugar drops and you crave for sugary and fatty foods.

In short more stress means more cortisol, more cortisol means crave for junk food, crave for junk food means more bally fat.

If you realise that your weight is increased because of stress then you can handle this by some good habits that can help you to get back to you to your old self. Eat healthy and do things to make you relexed and happy.

Tips to decrease stress level

1. Exercise but don't do high intensity work out. It can raise level of cortisol. Morning walk is a good idea.

2. Meditation or yoga or some other breathing activity, that can clear your mind and helps to lower the stress level.

3. Get support from friends and family. It is always helpful to talk with someone.

4. Read some good stuff or listen to music.

5. Take good sleep

We all can struggle with stress once in a while. It is up to you how to take charge of your stress as best you can.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Raisins for weight loss

If you are struggling to lose weight, it is important to choose right path to meat your goal. When nature has plenty of healthy resources then why take supplements or crash diets. The wonderful benefits of raisins for weight loss are proven in many studies, in which many interesting facts are discovered.
Before we learn more, let’s get to know more about this ingredient. Raisins are the dry form of a grape, either green or black. The names locally know it of Kishmish. There are different varieties of Raisins like Munakka, Sultana and Black currant, obtained from different types of grapes.

Raisins and weight loss

Raisins are one of the most consumed dry fruits in the world and and it has health benefits. Weight loss is a significant one. As per studies, consuming a healthy portion of raisins on a daily basis improves nutritional absorption and increased metabolic rate. This in turn benefited in lowering the risk of obesity. Also helps to lose weight
How Do Raisins Help In Weight Loss?

Here is detailed benefits of raisins in weight loss.

1. It improves digestion.
It has been observed that obesity is linked to a low metabolic rate and poor digestion.Raisins can speed up your digestion also balance your body mass and lower the risk of being overweight.

2. Natural sugar and glucose energy.
Raisins are having natural sugar compounds called glucose and fructose. These are converted into energy, which is necessary for a workout. Thus, raisins indirectly contribute to weight loss by providing strength and stamina.It satisfied your sugar cravings. So that you can reduce your sugar intake by consuming raisins.

3. It helps to suppress appetite.
Replacing your unhealthy mid meal snacks with a handful of raisins can do plenty of good for you. Raisins are low-calorie foods, which contains fruit sugars and Leptin, which can control appetite and regulate your body metabolism. Increased levels of Leptin can decrease your food cravings significantly. It develops fat-burning hormone, which can kill fat cells.

How to consume.

Eating raisins soaked in water over night is a great idea then eating raw raisins. Because unwanted mineral and vitamins get resolve in water.
Raisins can be added in salads for sweet tangy taste or you can add raisins in post workout smoothie.
Raisins can be added in cereals. It can be consume after mejor meals to satisfy sweet cravings. 

Although Raisins promote weight loss, you must consume them in moderation. Taking them in excess can reverse the benefits and may lead to putting on weight. If you are diabetic or undergoing any chronic illness, it is important to check with a doctor on the safety and suitability of Raisins for you. Also, you must note that Raisins are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet, but instead, go hand in hand with them. So, follow these tips and have a hale and hearty life!

Here are amazon link for 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Can you lose weight through exercise alone ??

If you are going to enter any fat loss program then this is the hardest part to except that now you are not going to enjoy all kind of food. At least not in same quantity. some people try to achieve their fat-loss  goal through exercise alone, hoping they will burn enough calories during their workout and able to eat everything.

As exercise helps to improve metabolic rate so it tends to increase appetite.If you’re not paying attention to what and how much you are eating, you could take more calories than you were getting before and we don’t really realize we are doing it. Over time, this could lead to stalled results or even weight gain.

Studies shows that people who follows exercise program only for eight weeks. They got zero fat reduction.But, appetite harmone increased significantly. In addition you can burn few calories from exercise and assuming that we are burning more. Which makes it easier to reach higher calories food .
Conclusion is that You might lose fat through exercise alone, but you’ll have far greater success if you pair your exercise with a healthy diet.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mango lovers want to enjoy your favorite fruit while losing weight ??

Mango lovers want to enjoy your favorite fruit while losing weight ??

Summer without mangoes is incomplete. It is a delicious gift from nature in summer. Many people love mangoes a lot and want to enjoy this in summer. But, when you are trying to lose weight,a question stops everyone that is this good for weight loss ?
Also want to know how and when we have to consume mangoes for better results.

Nutrition value 

Mango is a good source of  Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. Mangoes have zero fat and cholesterol and are rich in dietary fiber. It has flavonoids like catechins, quercetin 
In short Mangoes are good for skin, eyes, immunity over all good health.

Mangoes and weight loss

Here are some ideas that how you can safely enjoy your favorite fruit.

1 Replace your unhealthy snacks with mango and take it as mid meal like morning or evening snack.

2 100 gm mango pulp has 60 calorie. So it's better to eat Mango in small portion.

3 Take it as a whole fruit and don't club it with major meals like breakfast lunch or dinner and some 
people like to take aam-ras with their major meal or shake after meals. It has lot of sugar added. It enhances calories intake. 

4 Eating mangoes is also a good idea pre or post work out.

Any diet is successful if you watch your calorie intake closely and burn more than you consume every day. If your diet plan allows you to eat mangoes, then you must go ahead and incorporate it in your weight loss diet. However, if you are a pre-diabetic or diabetic, you must consult your physician before incorporating mangoes in your diet.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

11 Easy Tips for weight loss

Here are 11 more tips to lose weight faster:

  1. Eat a high protein breakfast. Eating a high protein breakfast could reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day Trusted Sourc
    Trusted Sou
  2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. These are among the most fat gaining things to consume.Whole fruit are better option in place of fruit juices and other sugary drinks.

  3. Drink water before meals. Drinking water half an hour before meals increases weight loss by 44% over 3 months according to a study.Trusted Sou
  4. Choose weight-loss-friendly foods. Some foods like whole grain, eggs, nuts, leafy vegetables, soups etc. are better.
  5. Eat soluble fiber. Studies show that soluble fibers may promote weight loss. Fiber supplements can help.Trusted Sourc
    Trusted S
  6. Drink coffee or tea. Caffeine boost your metabolism by 3–11%. But, added sugar or milk is not advisable.Replace tea with green tea. Trusted Sourc
    Trusted STrusted Sourc
  7. Base your diet on whole foods. They are healthier, more filling, and much less likely to cause overeating than processed foods.
  8. Eat slowly and take meal in a small dish . Eating quickly and taking meal in a big plate can lead to weight gain over time, while eating slowly and taking food in a small plate makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones Trusted Sourc
  9. Weigh yourself every day. People who check their weight every day are much more likely to lose weight and keep it off for a long time Trusted Sourc
    Trusted Source
  10. Get good quality sleep. Lack of  sleep is one of the biggest risk factors for weight gain. 
  11. Be Calorie Deficit. Last but not the least that consume calorie lower then required. it's better to make your menu and set quantity according to your calorie budget on daily basis.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Magical turmeric tea for weight loss

Use this magical Tea. This will boost your immunity and improve your metabolic rate too.

Ingredients - 1 table spoon Dried green turmeric or fresh green turmeric, cinamonn stick 2 inch, Ginger 1 inch grated, Tulsi leaves( 8 - 10), curry leaves ( 8 - 10), carom seeds (Ajwain) 1 table spoon

Preparation - Soak Dried sliced turmeric and ajwain for 2-3 hours and then take all ingredients in a deep pan and add one and half liter water and boil it for 15 minutes. Filter it after cooling and reuse the left over again with one liter water. Store in refrigerator after cooling.

How to use - Consume 100 - 100 Ml hot or on room temperature just after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Benefits - This will boost immunity and improve your metabolic rate as well 
इस जादुई चाय का उपयोग करें। यह आपकी रोग प्रतिरोधक छमता  को बढ़ावा देगा और आपके मेटाबॉलिक  में भी सुधार करेगा।

सामग्री - 1 बड़ी चम्मच  सूखे हरी हल्दी या ताजी हरी हल्दी, दालचीनी  टुकड़ा  2 इंच, अदरक 1 इंच कद्दूकस की हुई, तुलसी के पत्ते (8 - 10), करी पत्ते (8 - 10) अजवाईन 1 बड़ी चम्मच ।

तैयारी - सूखे हुए हल्दी और अजवायन को 2-3 घंटे के लिए भिगो दें फिर 
एक गहरी पैन में सभी सामग्री लें और डेढ़ लीटर पानी डालें और इसे 15 मिनट के लिए उबाल लें। ठंडा होने के बाद इसे छान लें और एक लीटर पानी के साथ फिर से इस मसाले पुन: उपयोग करें। ठंडा होने पर फ्रिज में स्टोर करें।

उपयोग कैसे करें - नाश्ते, दोपहर और रात के खाने के बाद 100 - 100 एमएल गर्म या कमरे के तापमान पर।

लाभ - यह रोग प्रतिरोधकको बढ़ावा देगा और साथ ही आपकी मेटाबॉलिक दर में सुधार करेगा

Dried Sliced Turmeric -
Cinamonn Stick -

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Food Myths for weight loss

Food Myths
Myth: To lose weight, you have to give up all your favorite foods.
Fact: You don’t have to give up all your favorite foods when you’re trying to lose weight. Small amounts of your favorite high-calorie foods may be part of your weight-loss plan. Just remember to keep track of the total calories you take in. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in through food and beverages.
TIP: Limiting foods that are high in calories may help you lose weight. All you have to do estimated daily calorie needs based sex, and physical activity level.
Image may contain: food